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Sales conditions of Bradford school


Terms of Payment

Payment will be due in full upon receipt of an invoice issued by the training organization to the beneficiary.

Failure to provide training

In application of article L6354-1 of the Labor Code, it is agreed between the signatories of this agreement that in the absence of total or partial termination of the training service, the provider organization must reimburse the co-contractor for the sums unduly received. for this reason.

Obligations and force majeure

As part of its training services, ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE is bound by an obligation of means and not of results?has?vis-à-vis its Clients or its Trainees. ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE cannot be held responsible towards its Clients or its Trainees in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from a fortuitous event or force majeure. The following are considered here as fortuitous events or force majeure, in addition to those usually recognized by case law: the illness or accident of a teacher or educational manager, strikes or social conflicts external to ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE, natural disasters, fires, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, or transportation of any type, or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE. 

Quote and certificate

For each training action, a quote is sent in two copies by ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE to the client. A copy duly completed, dated, stamped, signed and marked “Good for agreement” must be returned to ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE by email. If necessary, a specific agreement may be established between SCHOOL BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE, the OPCO or the Client. At the end of the training, ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE provides a training certificate to the Trainee. In the case of partial or total coverage by an OPCO, ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE sends him a copy of the payroll sheet accompanied by the invoice. A certificate of attendance for each Trainee can be provided to the Client, upon request. 

Compensation, repair or forfeiture

In the event of withdrawal by the beneficiary before the start of the training program

  • Within a period of between 90 days and 60 days before the start of the training: 50% of the cost of the training is due.
  • Within a period of between 60 days and 45 days before the start of the training: 75% of the cost of the training is due.
  • Less than 45 days before the start of the training: 100% of the cost of the training is due.

The cost cannot be the subject of a request for reimbursement or reimbursement by the OPCO.

Intellectual property and copyright

All presentation sheets, contents and educational supports whatever their form (paper, electronic, digital, oral, etc.) used by ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE to provide training or given to Trainees constitute original works and as such are protected by intellectual property and copyright. As such, the Client and the Trainee undertake not to use, transmit, reproduce, exploit or transform all or part of these documents, without the express agreement of ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE. This prohibition relates, in particular, to any use made by the Client and the Trainee for the organization or delivery of training.  

Description and training program

The contents of the programs, as they appear on the training presentation sheets, are provided for information purposes only. The speaker or educational manager reserves the right to modify them according to current events, the level of the participants or the dynamics of the group. 

Confidentiality and communication

ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE, the Client and the Trainee undertake to keep confidential the documents and information to which they may have access during the training provision or during exchanges taking place prior to registration, in particular all the elements appearing in the proposal transmitted by ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE to the client. ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE undertakes not to communicate to third parties other than the partners with whom the training is organized and to OPCOs, the information transmitted by the Client, including information concerning the Trainees. However, the Client agrees to be cited by ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE as a client of his training. To this end, the Client authorizes ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE to mention its name, its logo as well as an objective description of the nature of the services in its reference lists and proposals for the attention of its prospects and customers, interviews with third parties, activity reports, website, as well as in the event of legal, regulatory or accounting provisions requiring it.

Protection and access to personal information

The Client undertakes to inform each Trainee that:

? personal data concerning him or her are collected and processed for the purposes of monitoring the validation of training and improving the offer of training. ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE 

? in accordance with Law No. 78?17 of January 6, 1978, the Trainee has a right of access, modification, rectification of personal data concerning him or her. The Trainee may exercise this right by writing to: ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE or electronically to: marvinkeitapatisserie@gmail.com. Especially, ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE will keep the data linked to the course and the evaluation of the Trainee’s acquired knowledge, for a period not exceeding the duration necessary for the assessment of the training. Finally, ECOLE BRADFORD PARIS LONDON BAKER FRANCE undertakes to delete at the end of the exercises any image which may have been taken by any video means during practical work or simulations. 


If a dispute or dispute cannot be resolved amicably, the Court of Paris sera sole competent to resolve the dispute.

These conditions are applicable from April 26, 2023